

1. Clams
2. Fell Out
3. Turn Off
4. Beaches

5. Get Out of Town
6. Headphones
7. Heaven
8. Impossible Love

Tan Dollar - Headphones by friendlybiceps

Tan Dollar - Impossible Love by friendlybiceps

"In under one year, Tan Dollar recorded their debut album as a twin keyboard 3 piece, toured several times, replaced one of those keyboards with a guitar, added a bass, lost a drummer, got another drummer, and lost the other keyboard. Sometime during all the tension and flux, “Uneven” was recorded as a hurried and timely document of this most briefly-extant Tan Dollar 4 piece." - Life's Blood

You can order our new cassette "Uneven" from Life's Blood here or pick it up as a package deal with our first album "Your Body As A Temple" for really cheap here.

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